Castration is the only proven humane method to reduce the unwanted population in stray dogs and cats. Castration is an operative removal of the reproductive organs of a female or male dog or cat.
The operation is not heavy and if conducted by a good specialist is tolerated very lightly by the animals. Recovery in male animals is for no more than a day and for females it lasts for a maximum of 3-4 days.
The Castration Center works with veterinarians who have extensive experience in castration. The incision after the surgery is small, the sutures that are used are anatomical and do not even require a second visit to a vet for removal. Veterinarians who work at the Castration Center are proven professionals who love stray animals, and with them every stray animal would get the same positive attitude.
Animal reproduction is not an emotional process, and your pets will not suffer if they don’t have babies. Raising them and finding home for all of them is a very labor-intensive and costly task - often these attempts are completely unsuccessful and babies find themselves in a box on the street - which is the most cruel thing you can do to them.
After castration, male cats do not mark the dwelling, and if you do it before the full sexual maturation of cats, this will never be an issue in your home. After castration, all negative changes in cat's behavior that are caused by sex hormones disappear. This is far more safer for their health than giving pills and injections against oestrus (being in heat). Hormonal preparations cause adulthood malignancies.
In female cats and dogs, besides troubles for the owners associated with hygiene and behavioral changes during oestrus, the danger of inflammation of the uterus (pyometra) disappears as well as the malignant diseases of the sexual system that are common in adulthood. Castrated animals live significantly longer. If the castration is done before the first run, it significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer.
The behavior of castrated animals does not change very much - in females it is the same as it was in the periods when it was not in this phase. Obesity is only observed if the animal does not have a high-activity regime.